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Wheelchair Articles

Fantastic Features of The Invacare 3-Position Recliner Deluxe

Invacare 3-Position Recliner - Deluxe AdultThe new adult Invacare 3 position recliner deluxe is built with special features for durability and will offer you exceptional comfort. The recliner can be adjusted to three sitting positions: sitting, elevated leg or full recline hence it offers maximum flexibility for you. Keep reading and you will find out the many features of the Invacare 3 position recliner deluxe that you or your loved ones will enjoy each day should you settle for it.

Special Padding Technology

The choice of the padding ensures your comfort while at the same time offers support for the seating surface. The specially formed back and seat play a vital role in your comfort the type of padding chosen for the two must be carefully done. The Invacare 3 position recliner deluxe is built with these in mind and therefore has special padding.

Lumbar Support

The back of the chair is made to give lumbar support for optimum comfort. Support for your back is essential for good posture. You do not need to worry about discomfort and pain resulting from lack of adequate support for your back during the long hours you have to spend sitting in the wheelchair. Continue reading

Tips on Choosing the Right Wheelchair Wheels

Wheelchair WheelsThe choice of your wheelchair wheels will depend on the use of your wheelchair. Whether outdoor or indoor, the terrain and activities you engage in will also determine the type of wheels you choose for your chair.

The smoothness of the ride combined with speed maneuverability and control are all related to the wheelchair tires, casters and wheels. Choosing these components is not an easy task it is advisable to contact an expert such as a therapist or health care professional to help you choose a combination that will meet your lifestyle, maintenance, and affordability needs.

Wheelchair Wheels and Components

Manual wheelchairs have two sets of wheels a pair in front called a caster and a pair at the back called the drive wheels. Power wheelchairs, on the other hand, may have up to three wheels; one caster and two drive wheels. One of the factors you should consider when selecting wheelchair wheels is how heavy they are and the environment which you will be using them. Spoke wheels are usually lighter than mag wheels but they require more maintenance. They are less suitable for moist surfaces. Mag wheels are mostly maintenance free but are affected by extreme temperatures.

Which Tires?

Tires can either be pneumatic (air-filled), solid and flat free foam, urethane or rubber filled. Depending on the terrain you wish to use them they may be knobbly or smooth. As a rule of thumb, you should know that tires affect how easily a wheelchair specific rolls over surfaces. The harder the tire, the easier it will be to propel your wheelchair and the softer the tire the harder it becomes to propel your wheelchair. Here are your choices: Continue reading

The Features and Benefits of ZX Power Add-on by Spinergy

Propelling a manual wheelchair is not an easy task. We make sure the casinos you choose for your next slot experience meet the highest industry standards. It requires a lot of effort and strength and when transfers and other movements need to be done, you come to realize that you need a helper. An air conditioner does not take air from…. ZX Power Add-on Spinergy is the helper you should not miss. It will help you preserve upper body strength and reduces the effects of pushing your manual wheelchair. Navigating surfaces like carpet, grass and even hills will be an effortless venture.

Easy Attach and Detach

Spanners, bolts, tightening and fixing are not everyone’s delight. If you are in this category then you should not worry again about all these in case you want to convert your manual wheelchair to a power assist one. The ZX power add-on does not require any tool to attach and detach it from your chair. You simply need to back it on the device attach to it and boom you are there. You will only need the joystick to help you operate the device.

24 Volt Gear Driven Electric Motors for easy manoeuvre

If you purchase the ZX power add-on you enjoy the unique feature of a 24-volt gear-driven electric motor that is only commonly found on most large power chairs. It is ideal for different types of terrains including gravel, thick grass, rocky among others. This ability makes it a unique power assist device compared to the others in the market; it is strong, light at only 82lbs and perfectly fits under your manual wheelchair. It is convenient for air travel and at home even with space that is narrow. Continue reading

4 Factors that Affect the Mobility of Your Manual Wheelchair

4 Factors that Affect the Mobility of Your Manual WheelchairThe level of mobility of a wheelchair is what determines its efficiency. Good wheelchair mobility means it is easy to maneuver and operate; the rides are smooth and not hindered by any external or internal factors. And here is the disturbing question: What are the factors that affect mobility?

What Type of Terrain will be used by Wheelchair?

Smaller front wheels work better indoors and on wheelchairs used for sports, they have sharp turns compared to ones with large front wheels. On the other hand, outdoor and rough terrain requires larger front wheels. Large wheels will absorb the roughness of the terrain.

The Center of Gravity (COG) Adjustment

If you can adjust the center of gravity of your wheelchair you increase its stability. I will explain this, positioning your wheelchair’s center of gravity according to your needs ensures that your weight is evenly distributed hence ensuring stability. Aluminum light wheelchairs allow you to adjust the center of gravity by moving the rear wheel position forward, upward, upward and downward. But hang in there a minute… you should know how to balance this as the further back and upward you move the center of gravity the more weight shifts to the rear wheels. This will enhance mobility but hinder stability. Continue reading

7 Must-Have Wheelchair Accessories

Any wheelchair user will confirm that wheelchair accessories are Godsend. They have numerous benefits and make everyday life in a wheelchair comfortable while at the same time enhancing your independence. The choice of the accessories varies with among other things your type of wheelchair, your day to day life; whether you are a student, sports person or other. It is important to also choose accessories based on whether the wheelchair is going to be used indoors or outdoors.

Keep reading to find out must-have accessories for improved mobility and comfort as you go about your daily routine.

Brake Extensions

Picture how unsettling it would feel if you were to ride a wheelchair you had to stretch and strain to reach the breaks handle. Sometimes the standard break handles seem to be short and an extension is needed to ensure you access the break easily. This is vital for your safety and the safety of other road users.

An Additional Off-road Front wheel

Adding off-road front wheels on your manual wheelchair will increase your mobility on sandy roads, grassy patches, and muddy pavements and even on paving slabs. Here is how it works: The added off-road front wheels increase propulsion and the result is excellent mobility. Continue reading

7 Reasons why it is actually cool to be in a Wheelchair

7 Reasons why it is actually cool to be in a WheelchairEver noticed how people tend to stare at a struggling to propel wheelchair user in the streets? Many are laden with sympathy and see the user as a helpless being. I used to have the same belief but I was wrong. To be honest with you wheelchair users have their own challenges and go through a lot of psychological, emotional and sometimes even physical pain. But that does not summarize their lives. There is a brighter side to their lives and to prove it here are facts explaining why.

Never have to stand for Lack of a Seat

No matter where you go you will always have somewhere to sit. The availability of a comfortable seat 24/7 is something not all of us can enjoy. If you have ever been in a queue in a crowded room then you will relate to what I am saying here. You will thank your wheelchair for offering you the comfort the majority of people in the room will be dying for. Continue reading

Amazing Must Know Tips When Traveling with Your Wheelchair

Amazing Must Know Tips When Traveling with Your WheelchairBeing user of a wheelchair for mobility should not take away your love of traveling. You will be required to plan ahead, that may seem a workload but then the fun and adventures awaiting you are worth the effort. So get ready with your wheelchair stress-free.

Avoid last-minute rush

Be an early bird; book your flights ahead of time to avoid last-minute rushes. Also on the actual day of traveling arrive at the airport early. You do not want to race around the airport knocking people and objects in your wheelchair. Most airports require traveler to be at the airport an hour of departure, keep this in mind. Keep time, it will help you start your journey on a calm note.

Have your Wheelchair Checked Up

Schedule a check-up with your wheelchair technician before you travel. Ensure your wheelchair is in perfect shape for the trip. If you use a battery run wheelchair check the condition of the batteries and replace them if necessary. Continue reading

Clean your Wheelchair Cushion to Prolong its Lifespan

Clean Wheelchair CushionCleaning and examining your wheelchair cushion is a straightforward process which when performed every week, helps to keep your seat cushion fresh and clean and help to improve its useful lifespan.

Prior to taking out your cushion, make sure you know its precise position and location in the chair to ensure that it could be put back in its correct position. Should you have any concerns for correct cushion placement, consult your therapist.

Wheelchair Cushion Features

The majority of cushions include a cover with either a zipper or a Velcro closure. After the cover is taken off, you should be able to clean it in a washer. Be sure to use a warm/cold and delicate cycle with gentle soap and no bleach. The covers can be air tumble dried to prevent any harm from the heat. Many industrial dryers become too hot for cushion cover material and can result in damage.

Fluid-filled and gel cushionsWash with soap and water. Rinse off. Towel dry.

Stretchy Matrix or Honeycomb Cushions: These are made to be easily cleaned. They come with a washing bag in which they are machine laundered followed by a tumble dry.

Open Cell Foam Cushions: Any kind of liquid can damage these. A number of covers safeguard the foam from dampers, however, if your foam cushion becomes wet, try out the following Continue reading

Fast Ways to Update the Look of Your Wheelchair

Fast Ways to Update the Look of Your WheelchairHave you shopped around for a wheelchair found the perfect wheelchair with amazing features but with only one fault – it has a dull color or does not look pretty enough? You can easily change the look of your chair by decorating it and making it an eye catcher by adding the following simple decorations.

The Color of the Cushions

Choosing colorful fun fabrics for your cushion covers will add color to your wheelchair and brightens your day. A range of fabrics is available in vast colors to chose from. You will be happy riding a wheelchair that is ‘wearing’ your favorite colors all day. It is easy to transform your chair from a gloomy dark look to a bright shining chair.

Stickers and Patches

Get your favorite rock band, sports team or even word stickers on your wheelchair. It will make you enjoy your ride as you look cool. The stickers are readily available in most art and craft stores and stationery stores. Continue reading

Safety Tips when using your Wheelchair

Safety Tips when using your WheelchairSafety should come first for any wheelchair user. It does not matter if you are a pro user or are still a learner, in both instances safety still comes first. Your safety will depend on how you handle your chair and above all how you maintain it.


Most of wheelchair accidents are caused by slipping. To avoid slipping ensure that you always inspect your tires. Treat the tires of your wheelchair the same way you treat your car tires. Check your tires treat and replace if they are worn out. Monitor the chair levels and have them filled to the correct amount.

Learn the tricks

Using a wheelchair like a hobby, it gets better with time. A new user is more likely to get an accident as compared to an experienced rider. To stay safe in your chair make sure your caster wheels are facing straight forward when transferring in to your wheelchair.

Cuts and bruises

Wheelchair accidents are not limited to falls from tipping over only. You may sustain cuts or bruises from the edges of your hand rims while propelling the wheelchair. Inspect the edges of the rims for any rough, jagged edges. Protect your hands from the risk of cuts by wearing a protective glove. Continue reading