The Ultimate Guidelines to Be Active in a Wheelchair
Keeping physically active is essential for your body; it maintains your health and highly reduces the risk of developing diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, arthritis and even stroke. And that is not all: it also helps you to maintain your weight and not to get depression. As a wheelchair user, you have several activities and sports to choose from that will ensure you remain fit and healthy. I will give you a detailed guideline on how to do this.
First Things First
The foremost step you should take is consulting your doctor the moment you decide to embark on physical exercise. Your doctor will guide you on the type of exercises and the intensity of the activities that you can engage in. All you need to do here is set small attainable goals and choose activities you like doing. It may look like you are not doing much but it is one step at a time and boom! You are there. Continue reading