The Daily Challenges of using a Wheelchair
Non-wheelchair users do not know the difficulties that wheelchair users have to face each day as they go about their daily activities. In this article, I am going to highlight some of these pains and difficulties in an effort to make you aware and hopefully find a long-term solution that will enable the wheelchair users to live more comfortably.
The almost Blind Spot
Owing to the fact that wheelchair users are below the normal or the expected level of vision most wheelchair users are not easily spotted by pedestrians or even drivers. This causes the drivers and pedestrians not to react fast and may result into an accident. This is dangerous for the wheelchair user.
Sitting and more Sitting
Spending all day sitting for a day, a week a month and even a year is not fun. The long sitting spells can lead to muscle cramps and sometimes even pressure sores. You will agree with me that the pain that comes with these is unbearable. Continue reading