Features of Pride Maxima Heavy Duty 3- Wheel Scooter
This is an ultra heavy-duty scooter designed for comfort and performance. It has a weight capacity of 500 lb and a maximum speed of 5.25 mph. It is made with the bariatric market in mind. This scooter with its list of standard features that include an easily adjustable tiller, 22″ wide medium back seat, NF 22 battery capacity and ultra heavy-duty drive train is worth it. And so let’s cover the features:
Comfortable Reclining Back Seat
Once you are comfortably seated in the reclining high seat, it goes without saying that your safety is ensured. You will also save your back and spine problems arising from lack of good posture that may have detrimental end results.
Standard conveniences and Safety Features
This scooter has a full light package ideal for your safety when you ride in not so well lit places or even when you ride at night. The lights ensure that you can be spotted from a distance by other road users besides ensuring that you light your way. Besides, it comes with a front basket for you to easily carry your stuff. Continue reading