6 Reasons why You should buy the TiLite TRA Rigid Titanium Wheelchair
This is a wheelchair that combines both performance and comfort. Built with that in mind, its titanium dual-tube frame gives it the power to perform while its adjustability gives you the comfort you require for your mobility.
Swept-in Dual-Tube Frame
Every wheelchair user will agree with me that rigidity is the first point to consider when choosing a wheelchair. The TiLite TRA Rigid Titanium offers maximum rigidity with its dual tube frame. The wheelchair guarantees no wasted energy. The frame won’t budge or bend at your weight for that is what it is built for.
The Titanium Factor
It is fact that titanium is one of the strongest metals that exist. It does not easily break and has the ability to absorb vibration. The TiLite TRA has been crafted from seamless, aerospace titanium. The strength and durability of this wheelchair cannot be doubled for it has been built from the best material.
Full Adjustability
Different people have different levels of comforts depending on the size, height and other factors. With the TiLite TRA you have the freedom to adjust your wheelchair to your preferred size. The Tru-Fit system allows full adjustability; this makes the chair more of ‘one size fits all’ and thus one to consider when looking for a wheelchair to buy. Continue reading