It's not what you push...It's what pushes you!

wheelchair barefooted

7 Reasons why it is actually cool to be in a Wheelchair

7 Reasons why it is actually cool to be in a WheelchairEver noticed how people tend to stare at a struggling to propel wheelchair user in the streets? Many are laden with sympathy and see the user as a helpless being. I used to have the same belief but I was wrong. To be honest with you wheelchair users have their own challenges and go through a lot of psychological, emotional and sometimes even physical pain. But that does not summarize their lives. There is a brighter side to their lives and to prove it here are facts explaining why.

Never have to stand for Lack of a Seat

No matter where you go you will always have somewhere to sit. The availability of a comfortable seat 24/7 is something not all of us can enjoy. If you have ever been in a queue in a crowded room then you will relate to what I am saying here. You will thank your wheelchair for offering you the comfort the majority of people in the room will be dying for. Continue reading