The A-Z Guide of Wheelchair Ramps
Wheelchair ramps come in different shapes, styles and sizes. Some are fixed while some are semi-permanent while others could even be portable. And that is not all, they can also either be platform ramps or track ramps, folding or telescoping ramps. The variations are plenty you can chose a ramp that can be just big enough to get over a threshold of your doorway to a ramp that is made to navigate a user to the very top of a long flight of stairs. Whether you are looking for a new ramp for your home or business or need to update your old one, you need to understand fully and consider a number of things that concern wheelchair ramps.
When building, upgrading or purchasing a wheelchair ramp, you need to have the following in mind.
Weight is Key
It goes without saying that the job of the ramp is to basically lift weights. Your weight to be precise, the weight specifications of ramps must, therefore, come first on your checklist. Wheelchair ramps are designed for different types of wheelchairs, some are for electric wheelchairs, some for manual wheelchairs and some for just any wheelchair. Your choice of wheelchair ramp should be in line with what it was designed for, it may save a future accident from happening. Continue reading